
Showing posts with the label CSS

Header, Menu and Footer Component with CSS

In Previous topic we have learned angular modules and bootstrap. In this topic we will create menu and footer component for our todoList application and add some bootstrap css in it. So let's create our menu and footer component by using command "ng generate component menu",  "ng generate component header"   and "ng generate component footer" using command prompt at your project location as below: once these component are created add some hardcoded value in html files for all and then you have to add the tag name for header, menu and footer component in root component i.e. app.component.html as below and refresh your localhost. Menu Component: Now we will look into Menu Component and some link for login, logout, todos and other. For this we need to update our menu.component.html file as below, we will use router link for routing from one page to another and href for external URL. Header Component: target="_blank" will open the link in new tab...