
Showing posts with the label spring initializer

Eclipse, Springboot Application, Webservice

  In previous topics we have create simple angular application and put some hardcoded value. As this whole course is for angular application with springboot java we will now look forward to create simple springboot application. Let's start with webservice, as per W3C Definition of webservice: webservice is a software system designed to support interoperable machine to machine interaction over a network. Keys of webservice are : 1. Webservice are designed for application to application interaction. 2. Not platform dependent. 3. should allow communication over network. In This we are using rest webservice for our application. Before that you can download eclipse from  here  and JDK & JRE from  here  . Now we will create java application using spring initializer and import in eclipse. Go to  Spring Initializer  and create a project as shown below. Click on generate it will download the project now unzip at you project location. Now import project...